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Writer's pictureParikshit Khanna

My 5 Takeaways From Think Like a Monk, by Jay Shetty

Updated: Aug 3

Jay Shetty, once a monk, now a renowned life coach, shares transformative insights in his book "Think Like a Monk." Drawing from years of monastic discipline and ancient wisdom, Shetty offers a blueprint for living a life of purpose and tranquility. Here are six pivotal lessons from his book that can revolutionize your approach to life:

1. Embrace the Monk Mindset

The essence of a monk's mindset is simplicity and purpose. Unlike the chaotic "monkey mind" that flits from thought to thought, embracing a monk mindset means dedicating yourself to a life mission that transcends fleeting pleasures. It's about focusing on what truly matters, fostering a life of intentionality over impulsivity.

2. Define Your Core Values

Feeling adrift often stems from undefined values. Your values should act like a compass, guiding every decision towards a life of authenticity and fulfillment. By identifying and living by these values, you build a life of integrity where every action reflects your true self.

3. Purify Your Life

Life's external pressures can clutter your mind like dust on a shelf. Shetty advocates for regular mental cleansing through practices like meditation or solitude. This purification process helps in filtering out the noise, allowing for clearer, more deliberate thinking and decision-making.

4. Engage in Daily Reflection

Reflection is a powerful tool for self-awareness. Shetty suggests ending each day with a review of your experiences, emotions, and actions. This practice not only provides insights into your daily life but also helps in adjusting your path towards greater personal growth and understanding.

5. Resist the Urge to Save Everyone

Understanding your limitations in helping others is crucial. While compassion is key, Shetty reminds us that we cannot, and should not, try to solve everyone's problems. It's about offering support where it's welcomed, but also respecting others' journeys and choices, preserving your own mental health.

6. Meditate on Mortality

Contemplating death isn't morbid; it's enlightening. By regularly reflecting on life's impermanence, you gain perspective on what's truly important. This practice sharpens your focus on what you want your legacy to be, ensuring your daily actions align with your ultimate life goals.

Daily Reflection Questions for Personal Growth

To weave these lessons into your everyday life, consider these reflective questions:

  • What could I have done differently today to align more with my values?

  • Which skills or habits should I prioritize to enhance my personal development?

  • What attachments or distractions can I let go of to live more freely?


Jay Shetty's journey from monk to mentor has gifted us with "Think Like a Monk," a guide not just for living, but for thriving. By adopting these lessons, you're not just reading about change; you're living it. Embrace these teachings to cultivate a life filled with purpose, clarity, and joy. Let Shetty's wisdom be your guide towards a more mindful, meaningful existence.

This version aims to deepen the reader's engagement by providing a more vivid description of each lesson, encouraging personal application through reflective questions, and summarizing the impact of Shetty's teachings in a compelling conclusion.

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