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Writer's pictureParikshit Khanna

Advantages of Reading a Book in 2022

Updated: Jun 30

Advantages of Reading a Book in 2022
Advantages of Reading a Book in 2022

Advantages of Reading a Book in 2022
Advantages of Reading a Book in 2022

My name is Digital Parikshit Khanna; I am India's best digital marketing trainer. I have a habit of reading books. I love reading books, and as soon as I read a book, I implement the lessons learned from that book. In my opinion book reading is essential in one's mental growth, after reading books you stop becoming afraid of small things which might hurt you. Reading books grows you internally. It also reflects on your actions.

Advantages of Reading a Book in 2022

  1. Books help you detoxify from the online environment; they bring more focus to your lives.

  2. Reading books about great authors helps you improve your vocabulary.

  3. Reading books will help you connect with your inner self as some books talk about real-life stories; everyone feels connected with that author.

  4. Books will help you increase your intellect.

  5. During the pandemic, book reading can be a stress buster.

  6. Reading a good book will give a solution to the problems you are having in your life.

  7. The book can be an excellent mentor because people from all around the world have shared their experiences in the books.

  8. Few books by Dale Carnegie can even help you to become a speaker.

  9. Books by Robin Sharma will engrave the morning routine of 5 am inside you.

  10. Books by Tony Robbins will help you break lifelong addiction with just one decision.

In an age where digital content bombards us from every direction, the timeless tradition of reading a book offers numerous benefits. As we navigated through a challenging couple of years, books have proven to be more than just an escape; they are a tool for personal growth and comfort. Here are the top five advantages of reading a book in 2022:

1. Detox from the Digital World

In 2022, stepping away from screens and immersing yourself in a physical book can be incredibly refreshing. Reading allows you to disconnect from the constant stream of notifications and digital chatter, providing a much-needed break for your eyes and your mind. This detox helps reduce stress and increases your ability to focus.

2. Enhance Your Vocabulary

Books are a treasure trove of new words and expressions. Reading works by various authors exposes you to different styles of language, enhancing your vocabulary and comprehension skills. This linguistic expansion can improve both your written and verbal communication, which is invaluable in personal and professional settings.

3. Connect with Your Inner Self

Many books offer insights not only into the external world but also into your own inner workings. Whether it's fiction that mirrors your experiences, or non-fiction that resonates with your dilemmas, books can help you understand and connect with your inner self, aiding in personal development and emotional intelligence.

4. Increase Your Intellect

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. By engaging with various topics, challenging your perceptions, and learning about different cultures, history, science, and so much more, you're not just entertained — you're also educated. This intellectual stimulation is crucial for keeping your mind sharp and expansive.

5. Stress Relief During Uncertain Times

Especially during the unsettling times of a pandemic, books have been a safe haven for many. The act of reading can be incredibly therapeutic, offering solace and a sense of normalcy in the midst of chaos. Whether it's finding laughter in a lighthearted novel or solace in a motivational self-help guide, books can be a powerful stress buster.


If you haven't picked up a book lately, 2022 might be the year to start. With these compelling benefits, reading is not just a hobby; it's a necessary addition to your daily routine. So, turn the page on your digital devices and rediscover the enriching world of books. Happy reading!

Some of Books review blogs written by me.


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