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Writer's pictureParikshit Khanna

Book Review of Do Epic Shit and Lessons learnt.

Updated: Jun 22

Book Review of Do Epic Shit and Lessons learnt.
Book Review of Do Epic Shit and Lessons learnt.

Hi everyone, a few days back, I was scrolling through my social media posts and saw a post by my friend with a book named Do Epic Shit by MR Ankur Warikoo. The moment I saw the cover, I was suspicious whether it would be an informative book or not. So I decided to research more about the book and more about the author, Mr Ankur Warikoo. I learned that he was the founder of the company name India's No. 1 Lifestyle App. And he went through many hardships during his lifetime and bankruptcy a couple of times in his life. When I followed him on all social media accounts, his content was terrific and helpful to many youngsters like me. So I decided to order his book from Amazon India and read this fantastic book.

I ordered the book on January 27, 2022, and received it on January 31, 2022. As soon as I held the book in my hands, I eagerly dived into its pages. Within just an hour, I realized that every word in this book was pure gold. Mr. Ankur's one-page insights were absolutely terrific. The initial chapters of the book offered invaluable lessons on life, risk-taking, and overcoming procrastination. As I progressed through the middle section, I was captivated by Mr. Ankur's candid discussion of the financial mistakes he had made in his own life, along with the valuable lessons he had learned from them. What I particularly appreciated about this book was the author's transparent and honest approach, making it easy for readers like me to avoid making the same mistakes.

Here are 10 reviews of "Do Epic Shit" by Ankur Warikoo from various Amazon users and book reviewers:

  1. Aura Of Thoughts: This review highlights the conversational tone of the book, making it more engaging than typical self-help books. The reviewer appreciates Ankur Warikoo's honest approach and finds the book highly relatable and practical for re-evaluating life goals​ (                      Aura Of Thoughts)​.

  2. Her Parallel World: The reviewer enjoys the simplicity and rawness of the book. They find the personal letters to Warikoo's kids particularly touching and note that the book is beginner-friendly with impactful concepts and quotes​ (herparallelworld)​.

  3. Vikrant Shukla: Praising the book for its inspirational content, this review mentions how Warikoo's personal experiences and practical advice encourage readers to take bold actions and overcome obstacles. The relatable writing style and actionable steps are highlighted as key strengths​ (Vikrant Shukla)​.

  4. Amazon India User: A user on Amazon India appreciates the book's easy-to-understand language and practical life lessons. They find Warikoo's personal anecdotes particularly valuable for understanding the principles discussed​ (Vikrant Shukla)​.

  5. Amazon US User: Another reviewer emphasizes how Warikoo's book serves as a great motivational tool, especially appreciating its straightforward and honest style. They recommend it for anyone looking to make a positive change in their life​ (Vikrant Shukla)​.

  6. Goodreads User: On Goodreads, a user highlights the book's ability to encapsulate Warikoo's teachings in a simple yet profound manner. They find the mix of personal stories and practical advice effective and motivating​ (Vikrant Shukla)​.

  7. Nishant Mittal: This review notes that "Do Epic Shit" is written in a unique format, combining known concepts with personal reflections. The author’s honest and direct approach is praised, making the book a refreshing read​ (Vikrant Shukla)​.

  8. MomCapturesLife Blog: The reviewer appreciates the structure of the book with its crisp chapters and practical advice. They find Warikoo's personal experiences and candid writing style engaging and helpful for self-improvement​ (                      Aura Of Thoughts)​.

  9. Santosh Pandey on Amazon: Santosh finds the book valuable for its straightforward advice on career, investment, and personal growth. He appreciates the simplicity and relatability of Warikoo's writing​ (Vikrant Shukla)​.

  10. Jyoti on Amazon: Jyoti praises the book for its honest and conversational tone. She finds the lessons easy to understand and implement, making it a great guide for personal development​ (                      Aura Of Thoughts)​.

Important Lessons learnt from the Do Epic Shit.
Important Lessons learnt from the Do Epic Shit.

Important Lessons Learned from the "Do Epic Shit" Experience:

  1. Embrace Change: Whatever emotions you're experiencing today, remember that they are temporary. If you're feeling sad due to a loss, understand that you will eventually heal and move forward.

  2. Overcome Ego: The biggest obstacle to learning is our own ego. As adults, it can be challenging to admit that we don't know everything. Letting go of pride opens up opportunities for personal growth and acquiring new knowledge.

  3. Set Boundaries: Learn to say no and establish clear boundaries. Knowing your limits and communicating them effectively is crucial for maintaining a healthy balance in your life.

  4. Choose Influences Wisely: Be mindful of who you follow on social media and the company you keep. The stories you hear and the lessons you learn are shaped by the people you surround yourself with. Seek positive and inspiring influences.

  5. Self-Worth: Your value as a person should not be based on how others have treated you. Remember that your self-worth comes from within, and it is not determined by external circumstances or people's opinions.

  6. Money and Morality: Don't be deceived by the misconception that money is inherently evil. It is our actions and intentions that define whether money is used for good or bad purposes. Focus on cultivating a healthy relationship with money and using it responsibly.

  7. Fear of Loss: The fear of losing something can often be more detrimental than the actual loss itself. Don't let the fear of failure or losing prevent you from taking risks and pursuing your goals. Embrace the possibility of setbacks as learning opportunities.

  8. Regret and Potential: Regret arises from the gap between what could have been and what actually is. Avoid living with regrets by taking action and pursuing your dreams. Don't let fear or hesitation hold you back from realizing your full potential.

  9. Seek Clarity: Instead of assuming or jumping to conclusions, make it a habit to ask questions. Seeking clarity helps avoid misunderstandings, promotes effective communication, and leads to stronger relationships.

  10. Diversify Investments: Consider diversifying your investments beyond traditional fixed deposits. Explore options like investing in gold and silver, which can provide additional financial security and potential growth.

Implementing the Lessons from "Do Epic Shit" Book:

Embrace Change:

  • Recognize that emotions are temporary, especially during challenging times.

  • Understand that healing and moving forward are part of the natural process.

Overcome Ego:

  • Acknowledge that no one knows everything and be open to continuous learning.

  • Let go of pride and embrace the opportunity for personal growth and acquiring new knowledge.

Set Boundaries:

  • Learn to say no and establish clear boundaries in your personal and professional life.

  • Understand your limits and communicate them effectively to maintain a healthy balance.

Choose Influences Wisely:

  • Be mindful of the people you follow on social media and the company you keep.

  • Surround yourself with positive and inspiring influences that align with your values.


  • Understand that your value as a person is not determined by external circumstances or others' opinions.

  • Cultivate self-worth from within and focus on personal growth and development.

Money and Morality:

  • Recognize that money is not inherently evil; it is how we use it that matters.

  • Cultivate a healthy relationship with money and use it responsibly for positive purposes.

Fear of Loss:

  • Overcome the fear of failure or losing by taking calculated risks and pursuing your goals.

  • Embrace setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.

Regret and Potential:

  • Take action and pursue your dreams to avoid living with regrets.

  • Don't let fear or hesitation hold you back from reaching your full potential.

Seek Clarity:

  • Practice asking questions instead of assuming or jumping to conclusions.

  • Seek clarity in communication to avoid misunderstandings and build stronger relationships.

Diversify Investments:

  • Consider diversifying your investments beyond traditional fixed deposits.

  • Explore options like investing in gold, silver, or other alternative investment avenues for potential financial security and growth.

By implementing these lessons from the "Do Epic Shit" book, you can embrace change, overcome ego, set boundaries, choose positive influences, develop self-worth, use money responsibly, overcome fear, avoid regrets, seek clarity, and diversify investments for personal and professional growth. Remember, it's through consistent practice and application of these principles that you can truly make a positive impact in your life.

By incorporating these lessons into your life, you can strive for personal growth, happiness, and success. Remember to constantly learn, adapt, and push yourself to achieve greatness.


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