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Writer's pictureParikshit Khanna

How to Rank your Blog on the Top Page of Google

Updated: May 21, 2022

How to Rank your Blog on the Top Page of Google
How to Rank your Blog on the Top Page of Google

So, as you might know, a few of my blogs are ranking number 1 on Google search. So, after writing a couple of blogs, I started realizing that blogs are written on the first page of Google. So I thought of sharing this knowledge with you to achieve the same result. I will teach you how to write a block that can rank on Google's first page in the next nine steps.

How to Rank your Blog on the Top Page of Google
How to Rank your Blog on the Top Page of Google

My blogs that are ranking on top of Google Page

How to Rank your Blog on the Top Page of Google
How to Rank your Blog on the Top Page of Google

How to Rank your Blog on the Top Page of Google
How to Rank your Blog on the Top Page of Google

7 Steps to rank your Blog on the Top Page of Google

1. Find your Niche: As the word says, finding one is critical. Writing a blog, you need to have some side sort of niche while writing a blog which means that you need to focus on a particular topic or a word with which you are well versed. It means finding a word that interests you find your word that you are interested in. Finding a word that you love to talk about that particular word or product can be anything, and also that word can be something. This can be an exciting process, and once you realise the importance of finding the word that you can be consistent with, that thing can be your niche.

2. Research Keywords: research keywords as the word says you need to find a relevant keyword that can help you and your blog rank number 1 on Google search. The final keyword can also be displayed. Find the right SEO keyword that can help your website rank number 1 page of Google search result keyword can range between two or three. The right keyboard with high density or low-density keywords can also give you the desired result.

3. Be Consistent: Once you have found the right amount of keywords and find the new area in which you want to write a blog, the next point is yet to be consistent with your blogs. To drink on the number one page of Google, you need to be consistent, which means that you need to write 45 blogs in a week and up to 15 blocks in a month so that few of your blogs start writing on that particular keyword. The point to be noted is that the five-ten blocks that you will like will be on the same topic, on the same keyword, or the same product. That's how you will run the number one of Google searches.

4. Design your Image: You have written a blog. The essential part of drinking that blog on the first page of Google is creating a beautiful image for your blog. Creating a relevant image for your blog, please don't copy the image from Google search results. It might destroy the Google search result, so you might create or design your photo using the different types of software available in the current market. A beautiful images that you will develop will tell Google that this image is original. When you create an original image, the chances of getting the number one page of image search results will also be higher.

5. Pick Copyright Free Images: Copyright-free images will tell Google that you are not doing any copy-paste. To avoid copy-pasting any download the images from pixabay. Pixabay is a website that can provide copyright-free images.

6. Add Alt Text on Images: One of the most critical parts of using copyright-free images is adding alt text on images. Using the alt text on images will tell Google what that image is all about, and adding alt text will help your image rank number 1 on Google search results.

7. Make the content more graphical: When you have written a blog, add more images and more points to that blog to rank it on the number one page of Google. Try to add more graphical content, which can include video photos GIFs.


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